Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat PinhasTasha'H
Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
Parashat PinhasTasha'H
Delivered Sunday 18 Tamouz Tasha'H,
1.7.18 at 8:30 AM
The King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be
He, the Father of Mercy, extends
His patience to a certain limit. No matter what happened, today, because we are
close to the revelation of King Messiah in public, the Holy One, blessed be He,
shortens time and everything is from moment to moment. Everything is going on
fast in the entire world and in the Land of Israel, even though they do not
feel that quickly, because of the tremendous amount of Tikkun Olam - with the
Creator, it is speed.
The Holy One, blessed be He, is very
possessive of his Jewish children who live in the holy land of Israel, and any
president or prime minister, person or state in the world who tries to harm the
Jews living in the Land of Israel or to harm the name of the Land of Israel or
to harm the names of the Jews living in the Land of Israel will suffer the most
severe blows immediately. Why immediately? So that they would immediately
understand the reason, and why the Holy One, blessed be He, beat them down.
The Holy One, blessed be He, warns the entire
world, 'Do not touch the Holy Land because it belongs only to the Jewish
people, and do not harm the real Jews who live in the Holy Land of Israel.'
Warns unconditionally. Do not complain about why you are beaten hardest by the
elements and all kinds of economic, military, political and social
complications and problems.
All the countries of the world need the Land
of Israel and the help of the Jews who live in the Holy Land only. The whole
world need the Jewish brain in the Land of Israel. The Jews who live in the
Land of Israel are much stronger than the Jews who live abroad.
Despite the fires in the Land of Israel,
everything will return to being green and alive and everything will turn on the
Arab nations. They will have fires in their homes wherever they live. The rule Measure
for measure never ceased. The Creator of the Universe does not give in to
anyone in the world who harms the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in
the Land of Israel. Every person in the world will take into account before he
thinks or does an act against Israel, because there is no return, he will be hurt
immediately, from serious injury to death, earthquakes, floods, volcanic
eruptions, harsh winds, disasters and more.
The Holy One, Blessed be He, says to the Jews:
Anyone who has faith in the Holy One, blessed be He, is right. He who begins
on the right foot from the morning, and thanks the Holy One, Blessed be He, who
returned his soul, blesses the blessings of the morning and prays to thank God
and praise God - Then the Holy One Blessed Be He opens blessed horizons in
everything. The Holy One, Blessed is He, does not do evil to anyone. A
person does evil to himself, as he chooses. In souls there is no son or
daughter, this soul is a soul. Anyone who believes and confesses, and praises
the Holy One, Blessed is He, knows the goodness that comes to him from the Holy
One, Blessed is He. He only gives him good, fine, healthy and long life and
abundant livelihood.
The Holy One, blessed be He, is a very strong
protector of His children who live in the Holy Land. Those who are abroad, who
work and act in defense of the homeland Eretz Yisrael, the Holy One, blessed be
He, accompanies them and protects them even when they are outside the borders
of Israel.
The Israeli government must not be submissive
to any country in the world, because everyone wants to suckle from the land of
Israel and from the Jews who live in the Land of Israel only.
All members of the Knesset and the Government
of Israel, stop slander. You were elected to the Knesset to serve the citizens
of the State of Israel and not to serve yourselves and your welfare. You have
to open your hearts and build the Holy Land of Israel. Not to stop real estate
in any direction, there is a price for the occupant, and they think that the raise
of the price will stop, they stopped the contractors from building and selling,
and in the end, there will not be, heaven forbid, houses for sale in the Land
of Israel. There will be a huge demand for new immigrants coming in thousands and
in the end, prices will raise a lot more and the whole plan will fall into the
Israel – this is the Hand of God. Build houses
without interruption in the Holy Land, all for the preparation for redemption
and Messiah and the building of the Third Temple. All the Jews in the world should come to
live in the Land of Israel. They want it or not, all the real Jews who have the
soul of Jews - will come to live in the Land of Israel.
All Knesset members and ministers, be united,
with joy and love.
Nice demands, nicely well done. This is the
power of the members of the Knesset and the ministers - one society and one
unity. It is the honor of each and every one, the honor of the Knesset of
Israel and the honor of the holy Land of Israel in heaven and in the land.
Hamas is the seed of Amalek. He does not give up,
sees that Israel is not succeeding against the balloons and kites. There is
nothing that the State of Israel and the IDF cannot do in the world in order to
eliminate any evil or disturbance: The IDF does not want war with them, it does
what it prefers. Hamas has a sophisticated exercise, an Amalekite exercise.
They continue with the kites and balloons to confuse the IDF, which will
continue to search for them, so that they will continue to dig quietly, and
they continue to dig tunnels with madness twenty-four hours a day, may they
sword pierce their hearts and they will kill themselves. IDF must continue to
search the tunnels for twenty-four hours without caring about the effect of
balloons and kites.
Hamas and Abu Mazen, do not believe them, they do not want peace,
they want to throw the Jews into the sea. Hamas and the Palestinians are living
in the dirt, unable to live in a modern way, unable to be human beings, unable
to be intelligent and modern, they live in a beastly way, they love the dirt
and the waste, the lechery and the horrors.
Anti-Semitism throughout the world is developing, growing
and growing, becoming very, very strong in a very short time. The Creator will
not stop the anti-Semitism in the world, then do whatever they want and they
are not normal people they are crazy.
In Jordan everything is destroyed. They eat each other,
they have no solutions. Their king is fearful that the Syrian infiltrators will
kill him.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah are fighting with the Syrians and the rebels
and with the Iranians. They'll have a mayonnaise salad, but a rotten one.
In Iran, the citizens are waking up, geting out of
the coma and the hypnotism done by the regime. At the moment they have gone out
in huge quantities and it will grow and grow until the Iranian army turns over.
Patience. This is the hand of the Lord and the Holy One, Blessed be He, has
time, and there are His plans.
The Iraqis are finished, eating and killing each other.
They have Isis and extremists, there is no peace and no progress for peace.
Lebanon wants to stay white, do not want wars, do not
want carcasses.
Kim thinks that the United States and Trump do not
understand, they give him a hand, give him a chance, if he takes this
opportunity and does not turn over - he will succeed - he will not take it - he
will get into trouble with his people and himself. Nevertheless, he is afraid
that the economy in his country will be destroyed if he continues with the
matter of the atom. He thinks that they do not see him.
The infiltrators and the Muslim
refugees from all over the world are occupying
all of Europe. Europe becomes Muslim every day, sinking into the mud and the
sea and they live in illusions. Meanwhile, anti-Semitism, infiltrators and
refugees in Europe are expelling the Jews. That's their job, that's the job
they got. Then the Christians will be expelled or killed. Jews in Germany,
France, England, escape fast and much faster. And come to live in the Land of
Warning to the Government of Israel,
the IDF, the Shabak and the Mossad: All the refugees who flee Syria, Jordan, do
not allow them to enter our territory. The Israeli government and the IDF must wake up Urgently, this is a dirty trick for
the refugees to enter the Golan Heights elegantly, quietly without a war to be
based on the Golan Heights, from tens of thousands and millions.
The Master of the Universe says to
you: It is forbidden, forbidden forbidden to open any doorway or gate. Do not
to accept any refugees or infiltrators from Syria. Do not be beautiful, you
will end up being ugly. There is a great danger of opening gates and bringing
refugees into the Golan Heights. The Creator warns: forbidden! It would be bad
for Israel to let the refugees enter, It is patents and tricks of the
Jordanians and Syrians together! Their place in Syria, Jordan, Turkey or
Europe, not in Israel! Even though a cloud of fire protects and protects the
land of Israel, we also have to preserve our souls, "and you are very
careful for your souls."
The United States and Russia are courting the Middle East, each offering
things and on the back of the State of Israel, and Israel must not surrender to
any of them, because the US and Russia are suckling from the Holy Land of
Israel is the center of the world, the holiest
place in the world, and belongs to the Jews who live there. Every state and
person in peace with the State of Israel - receives endless blessings from the
Supreme. Those who do not - lose and are destroyed and consumed by the world.
The United States and Russia, are embracing
the Arab states in order to achieve peace, they do not want a nuclear war, they
want it to become positive without killing. Israel must not agree with Trump
about things that are not appropriate for the State of Israel. The Land of
Israel, the State of Israel and the IDF must know once and for all - they need
us and we do not.
The United States congratulates Erdogan for
succeeding in the elections, but he did not succeed, and he was rewarded with
terrible threats and killing, They were afraid of him. Soon he could not stand
up. Erdogan will not be able to stand up very soon. Turkish citizens are
looking to harm him.
Iran will receive severe blows and the government
will fall and collapse. They do not fight Israel directly, only indirectly,
through Syria.
Our air force from, the Jews of Israel, angels
accompany them in the sky to go in peace and return in peace. Any ammunition
that comes from Iran and comes through Turkey by means of tricks - Israel is
bombing it and Putin does not object, understands that this is Israel's
defense. The main thing is that there is a livelihood in this.
The English prince who came to Israel was harmless and useless.
He came quietly and left quietly.
Abu Mazen laughs at everyone, he and Hamas. like a baby.
They do not want peace. After he left - what peace? He is wishing war.
Jerusalem needs a lot of caution especially
from Arabs with blue identity cards who deceive the Jews.
The Creator asks, Jews must not assimilate.
Jews must preserve Judaism.
The whole world knows that the Holy One,
blessed be He, protects and guards the Land of Israel and its borders. The Holy
One, Blessed be He, this is His dwelling, His place, and home in the Land of
Israel. The Jews must fulfill the Ten Commandments it would be unlimited good for
We are in a period that is like
the Ten Days of Repentance, before Yom Kippur. We are in the period waiting for
every moment to discover the King Messiah. We are in a time when all Jews need
to uphold the Ten Commandments and strengthen themselves in the fear of Heaven,
to turn from bitter to sweet, from bad to good, from hate to love, from pride
to modesty and love, from hatred of Jews to love of Jews so that we will have
the opportunity to be in the first circle while Messiah is about to be revealed
in public.
All the nations in the world
know that there is something special in Israel that there is a righteous
Messiah who protects and guards the borders of Israel. Waiting for the
longed-for day, everyone will show the King Messiah our righteousness. Get off
the doubt and fear and realize that it is now! Now is the time of Messiah's
revelation in public! Ask God to bring him out in public. This is the time,
this is one hundred percent. Do not doubt. Everything we write here - will
Messiah Ben David is much more
visible than he was, you see him, there is no secret, you hear him and you see
him, smile at him and he smiles at everyone and loves everyone. The Messiah,
the messenger of the Lord, belongs to all the people of Israel. Gives them
wisdom and knowledge, and purifies them to be close to the Holy One, Blessed be
There have to be circles and the
Holy One, blessed be He, means that everyone will be in the first circle. Dear
Jews, get out of doubt and believe in what is written here. The believer will
merit the first circle.

הוסף רשומת תגובה