Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita Parashat BeHar Tasha'H


Message from Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita
Parashat BeHar Tasha'H
Delivered Sunday 14 Yaar Tasha'H, 29.4.18 at 8:30 AM

The Holy One, Blessed is He, King of the Kings the Holy One, blessed be He, leads the world in a good and just way for our own good, in favor of us , of the Creator and to repair of this world. The Holy One, blessed be He, is good and does only good. Through agony and difficult things, He is straightening the world and bringing it to the path of truth and integrity, to complete its correction. The Holy One, Blessed be He, has a way of bringing in the world, the end of death, so that the Jewish people will live forever! There will be no more wars, there will be no more killing, no sickness, no suffering, there will be the Messiah and the Temple, the resurrection of the dead, a new and good life and all working together. We are at the end of the ends, the finishing of the picture and the completion of the puzzle.
All natural disasters in the world, outside the borders of the Land of Israel - is the hand of God. Within the Land of Israel there are no natural disasters, there are human errors. All earthquakes, floods, storms, winds, dust, fires, volcano eruptions, accidents in planes, ships, trains and cars, and conflicts between states, all of them are the hand of God. Jews who live in the Land of Israel must protect themselves “and you will protect your souls," so that a person will not say: To me, this will not happen.”
We came to this world, to work and do God's will. Everyone must thank God every morning. A Jew who wants to succeed must first acknowledge the good he receives. If a Jew skips his gratitude, he will no longer have good, he will deal with bad. We must not forget the gratitude, so the people of Israel have prayers and we thank the Creator day after day for the good He gives us. Free choice belongs to man, to choose good or to choose bad or to suddenly turn from good to bad – it is his choice.
The whole world is in a great shock from all natural disasters. All this is done by the Holy One, Blessed is He, who wants that all return to Him submissively. Submission is humility, the opposite of pride. A person who knows and is happy in good and bad is called submissive and humble. When a person lacks nothing, he forgets the Holy One, blessed be He, and thinks that everything is his.
The Holy One, Blessed is He, takes righteous Jews from the world to protect and guard the Holy Land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Holy Land of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, wants the people of Israel to be united and unified.
Most accidents and disasters that happen to man are man's choice, "and you must be very careful for your souls"! You should be responsible for your body and your families.
The Creator of the Universe warns all nations of the world not to mess with or disturb the Holy Land, and the Jews living in the Land of Israel. Anyone who interrupts and oppresses will receive the ten plagues of Egypt a hundred times. Anyone who supports Israel - will be blessed by the Supreme One.
“Derech Eretz Kedma La Torah”, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is the whole Torah.
No country in the world and no one can harm, harass or destroy the land of Israel and the Jews who live in the Land of Israel. Although there is a great deal of anti-Semitism, envy and narrow-mindedness, this is free hatred. The Holy One, blessed be He, is with the people of Israel, a cloud of fire enveloping the borders of the Land of Israel. The Holy Land will remain forever. From which the entire world lives, from the Jews who live in the holy land of Israel, from prayers, Torah study and technology! Those who fight against the State of Israel, the Holy Land, and the Jews who live in the Holy Land are fighting against the Holy One, Blessed is He, and there is no one who can defeat the Holy One, Blessed be He.
Iran can threaten as much as it wants. The Holy One, blessed be He, casts upon it terror and fear, trembling and shaking, and natural disasters. If it is not enough and it does not understand, the plagues will multiply by a hundredfold.
Syria, the Holy One, blessed be He, is angry at it for hurting and killing IDF soldiers in the Yom Kippur War, and He does not give in and does not forgive them, the Holy One, Blessed be He, gives severe blows to Syria, there are natural disasters, mud and floods on top of the wars between them. When the Holy One, blessed be He, is angry at a country or a man who has hurt his children in the Land of Israel The State of Israel, He does not quit until He destroys them, step by steps Holy One, blessed be He destroys Syria, and no country has succeeded in making peace there. Everyone is emptying on Syria the old ammunition and does his training there.
Europe continues to be filled with hundreds of thousands of refugees, infiltrators, intruders and radical Islam from all kinds of places. When Europe, the European Union and the European Union stop harassing and disrupting the Holy Land and stop pouring money into the wrong places, they will have calm. If they do not, they will be beaten and natural disasters, infiltrators and refugees will come, turn Europe into Muslim and hit the Jews very badly. Even now they hurt the Jews and they think it will pass. The Creator says to the Jews: 'It will not pass. When you understand that you have to leave Europe and the United States and come to live in the Holy Land, you will receive hints from all directions that you are not welcome there, and you are fighting against the Creator to stay abroad. You have to come to live in the holy Land of Israel, to settle the Negev, the Western Galilee, the Golan Heights, Samaria, Binyamin, the Judean Desert, the Arava and the Jordan Valley. Why wait?! Life is worth billions of dollars! '
Turkey, Erdogan destroy and make disappear anyone who interferes and opposes his regime. Nothing would help him. The Holy One, Blessed is He, gave him time to do repent, and now this time is over. The Holy One, blessed be He, has waited for him for a long time and now Erdogan will begin to receive serious blows.
Hezbullah and Nasrallah are waiting for weapons and ammunition in 2018. The IDF sees and bombs everything. What the IDF does not see or bomb, the Holy One, blessed be He, bombs it, the Israel Defense Forces is directly guided by the Holy One, Blessed be He, they are the armies of God.
Abu Mazen does not want peace; he wants to be admired by Muslims. Whatever the US offers, he says "no." If he agrees to the US - that day they will kill him.
The leaders of Hamas and Abu Mazen are taking all the money for themselves, tens of millions of dollars and all the Palestinians are hungry. Hamas hires them for pennies and deceives them to do bad deeds against Israel. Hamas cheats and lies to them and they live in the imagination that Hamas is their idol.
Hamas the seed of Amalek continues with the tunnels.
Isis gives no rest, neither to the Gaza Strip nor to Egypt.
Egypt, Egyptian President Sisi will continue to fight against Isis, so that they will not reach Egypt, and Sisi is a wise and clever man, a good man who wants peace in the world and wants to promote Egypt to be modern and the extremist Muslims do not want.
North Korea and South Korea are making peace. Kim knows that if he does not make peace, North Korea will be destroyed. He knows that all the countries of the world have united against him and North Korea will disappear. Kim realized that he was dealing with the United States and better not to, he would be harmed. He seized a new direction for peace with the South and with the whole world.
Israel must continue to deport the infiltrators and refugees legally.
Mothers and parents all over the country: keep your daughters from assimilating. They must not assimilate. Israel haters have a new method of giving drugs and hard drinking for free to accustom the youth and when they connect to something, there is no return. They are doing everything possible so that there will not be a Jewish birth. They want to teach the youth gambling at the casino and to hurt the hearts of the Jewish people. The parents are guilty of everything. You have to educate them and not give them up. The Ministry of Education and schools need to educate and teach at least two hours every day what the harm gambling, drugs, drinking and assimilation do. The Jews have kept themselves for thousands of years. Jews should be preserved and preserve the Judaism and the Jews in them.
Dear Jews, buy houses in the Holy Land, the best and most blessed commandment is to buy and build in the Holy Land, to settle the Holy Land of Israel. This is God's will. Do not wait for prices going down. Buy and buy and purchase - only in the Holy Land of Israel, do not stop! All the investments that Jewish investors invest in buying homes abroad, as if they will have a profit from it - everything will go down the drain - they can remember and write: A day will come and everything will go down the drain!
Our Messiah must be revealed, there is no time. If suddenly, it will be all of a sudden, in the meantime gradually. Every Jew is waiting for our Messiah The Righteous . All the people of Israel beg God to reveal King Messiah in public. Not only do they pray above, but they even pray below to open the way to Messiah, so he will not be secretly activated. Over 70 percent is visible, we are waiting for every moment and want messiah with mercy.
On the year Tash’ah on the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel, it received the fourth element of the four foundations of the world and every moment we wait and expect the Messiah to come out in public !


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